What are Circadian Rhythms?
Circadian rhythms are the daily time tables that are present in every cell of every organ in our body, including the brain. Circadian rhythms are the master program that instruct at what time of the day or night every brain chemical, every hormone, every enzyme rises and/or fall. These daily rhythms enable our brain and body to achieve their optimum performance at every hour of the day or night and allow our body to carry out its daily repair and rejuvenation. When we have broken circadian rhythms, the risk for many diseases including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease, gut diseases, and cancer goes up. By nurturing our rhythms we can prevent, manage and even reverse many of these diseases.
How to nurture your rhythms?
When we eat, sleep and exercise shapes our rhythms. By timing these daily habits to the right time of our daily lives, we can have healthy rhythms. In this research study, we want to know how your daily habits of eating, sleeping and exercisizinge affects your health, Based on that, we will guide you to optimize these habits which in turn will optimize your rhythms so you can lead a long, healthy life.